Simple API Automated Testing + KARATE
Intuit has open-sourced ‘Karate’, a framework that makes the tall claim that the business of testing web-APIs can actually be — fun. Really???
Lets try to find out ....
Join my journey with Karate for API automation testing
This has following components
- Java - Maven
- Cucumber - BDD
- Junit
- Karate package
Karate enables you to script a sequence of calls to any kind of web-service and assert that the responses are as expected. It makes it really easy to build complex request payloads, traverse data within the responses, and chain data from responses into the next request. Karate's payload validation engine can perform a 'smart compare' of two JSON or XML documents without being affected by white-space or the order in which data-elements actually appear, and you can opt to ignore fields that you choose.
Since Karate is built on top of Cucumber-JVM, you can run tests and generate reports like any standard Java project. But instead of Java - you write tests in a language designed to make dealing with HTTP, JSON or XML - simple.
We are going to setup a Java Maven - Cucumber JVM project
1. Start up your favorite IDE. (I’ll be using Eclipse for this example.)
2. Go to File>New>Maven Project and take the defaults on first screen.
3. Under New Maven Project, create a click on Add Archetype
4. Enter the following info:
1. Start up your favorite IDE. (I’ll be using Eclipse for this example.)
2. Go to File>New>Maven Project and take the defaults on first screen.
3. Under New Maven Project, create a click on Add Archetype
4. Enter the following info:
Archetype Group Id=
ArchetypeArtifactId= karate-archetype
5. Click OK.
6. It should find the Karate-archetype. Click on Next.
7. On the next screen, enter:
You will get following dependency automatically added
If you don't have Cucumber plugin to eclipse add it by using
Sample REST API to Test :
We’ll be using some public APIs available as the test application.
This comes with a nice REST API that we can easily interact with as an example to test JSON.
Restful REST web-service to get and search States and territories of a Country{countryCode}/all
This rest web service will return a list countries in JSON format, each country object has
{ "country" : "IND", "name" : "Andhra Pradesh", "abbr" : "AP", "area" : "160205KMS", "largest_city" : "Visakhapatnam", "capital" : "Hyderabad" }
REST API test design with Karate and Cucumber :
Create a package country under src/test/java
Inside the country package create a file getStates.feature and
#Sample Karate Feature Definition Template
Feature: Sample Karate API Automation
Scenario: Get all states of a country
Given url ''
When method get
Then status 200
package country;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber"})
public class getStatesTest {
Select the and RunAs JUnit Test
You will see following in eclipse console:
#Sample Feature Definition Template
Feature: Sample Karate API Automation
15:47:16.572 [main] INFO - karate.env system property was: null
Apr 10, 2017 3:47:17 PM org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingInterceptor log
SEVERE: 1 * Sending client request on thread main
1 > GET
Apr 10, 2017 3:47:18 PM org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingInterceptor log
SEVERE: 1 * Client response received on thread main
1 < 200
1 < Vary: Accept-Encoding
"RestResponse" : {
"messages" : [ "More webservices are available at", "Total [36] records found." ],
"result" : [ {
"country" : "IND",
"name" : "Andhra Pradesh",
"abbr" : "AP",
"area" : "160205SKM",
"largest_city" : "Visakhapatnam",
"capital" : "Hyderabad, India"
}, {
"country" : "IND",
"name" : "Arunachal Pradesh",
"abbr" : "AR",
"area" : "83743SKM",
"capital" : "Itanagar"
}, {.....
15:47:18.056 [main] DEBUG - response time in milliseconds: 1034
Scenario: Get all states of a country [90m# country/getStates.feature:23[0m
[32mGiven [0m[32murl [0m[32m[1m''[0m [90m# StepDefs.url(String)[0m
[32mWhen [0m[32mmethod [0m[32m[1mget[0m [90m# StepDefs.method(String)[0m
[32mThen [0m[32mstatus [0m[32m[1m200[0m [90m# StepDefs.status(int)[0m
1 Scenarios ([32m1 passed[0m)
3 Steps ([32m3 passed[0m)
Refresh the karasmaple project and in taget>cucumber>index.html view the cucumber -BDD report.
#Sample Feature Definition Template
@sample Feature: Sample Karate API Automation
Scenario: Get all states of a country
- Given url ''
- When method get
- Then status 200
Wondering wheres the Step definitions? Thats the beauty, you don't have to write step definition in Karate. All are inbuilt but you have to remember few keywords while writing the Feature file.
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