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About Me

Chennai, TamilNadu, India
I am a craftsperson by passion and quality assurer by profession. I love to build - a craft or a piece of code. I look for reusability in crafts and usability in APPs. I always find something new to create and something new to learn. I believe in liberal world, flexible schedules and boundaryless place .

Monday, April 10, 2017


About this Blogspot 

Am into Software Test Automation and R&D.

I begun my first coding on my Xth holidays, it was mid 90's, a Computer center was started next door in my small town and my parents immediately joined me there and I was excited to be in a place full of computers !! I was introduced to Basic Programming - using Basic language, being maths lover I immediately fell in love with programming. Next 6 years I spent my studies with Computer.

Why I started Blogging?

Gaining knowledge / learning is an innate desire. Like a child I am a very curious person by nature, I question a lot either its a book am reading, movie or an application I test :) .

I am a passionate software tester and Automation enthusiast.  I keep myself update on things happening in TESTERs world.

Theres 2 main things / ideology / advice I got on my early days

  1. I have an Apple and if I give you an Apple, then I dont have any Apple. But I have knowledge and I give you knowledge, then we both have knowledge and even it has possibility of gaining more knowledge ! This I got when I was doing my intern as college student. I never forget and always never hesitated on sharing knowledge. 
  2.  When I was a fresher I was encouraged to ask questions by my client who where product SMEs with 30+ years of experience - ' The most dumb question is the one you never asked',  it's so true which I follow till now. 

I got guidance from great Leads on Automation in my initial stage.
Forums and Blogs from all over the world helped me a lot. Whenever I stuck 98% of time I was able to get answers from fellow bloggers and active forum members.

I joined a wonderful tribe TheTestTribe which get together like minded people in Testing.

On one fine day I thought I got so much from the community, I should give back some and I started blogging, started presenting in meetups and seminars. This is my small way of giving back.

I'm grateful to bloggers and forums through which I learned a lot.

- Mathangi.G

- Mathangi.G

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